

Nyandarua County Assembly library was established in 2015 and is an integral information resource to the Members of the County Assembly and Staff. It assists users in accessing information resources/services within the library as strives to meet the uses expectations. It assists the County Assembly achieve its mission by providing ready, accessible and relevant information for decision making and implementation. External users can access information resources with authority from the Office of the Clerk


To meet the information and research needs of Nyandarua County Assembly Library users.


To be an efficient and effective County Assembly Library in provision of  and access to timely, quality and accurate information in matters of representation, legislation and oversight.


1. Selection and acquisition of relevant information resources

2. Processing and organizing information resources for ease of access and retrieval by library users.

3. To address information needs of Nyandarua County Assembly Library users to enable them make effective use of available information resources.

4. Collaborate with other  Libraries for information and resource sharing

5. To enhance a better integration of information services within the County Assembly



1. Lending Services

a. Loan period of a book is 2 weeks.  

b. Information resources can be borrowed except for reference works and on demand materials

c. Lending is open to the Members of the County Assembly and Staff.

d. External Users can access the library through written authority from the Office of the Clerk

2. Book Recall

When a book that is out on loan is urgently required by another user, the library reserves the right to recall the book without notice

3. Book Renewal

The library may occasionally renew books/ information materials where there is no demand from other users.

4. Book reservation

Users can place reservations for books via telephone or email. Users should provide the necessary information for proper identification of the required book.

5. Book Loss

In case of loss or damage of a document, the borrower will be expected to replace the document or is charged the current market price of the item and other expenses with authority from the Speakers/Clerk’s office.  For the payments done, a replacement should be purchased. 

6. Current Awareness Services.

The purpose of a current-awareness service is to inform the users about new acquisitions in their libraries. The services are available to keep you up-to-date with the most recent publications and developments in your field.

7. Photocopy

Photocopy services are available at the library. This is done within the permissible copying limits as per Copyright Act.




Monday – Friday: 8.00am- 5.00pm: 

Weekends & Public Holidays: (Closed)


County Assembly Chambers, Ol’Kalou

Office Tel: 0743079333

P.O. Box 720-20303- OL KALOU

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